v4.0 [Feb 13, 2013]
- Add support for Spectra/Ashtech GNSS receivers when upgrading radio firmware via a daisy chain
- Enhance the firmware upgrade process
- Prevent the programming of XDL modems with unsupported AutoRover modes
- ADLCONF supports 10-digit serial numbers
v3.2 [Jul 20, 2011]
- Allow creation of channels separated by 12.5 kHz even if the selected channel bandwidth is 25 kHz
- Put the Disable TX checkbox back in. Users need a way to disable TX in the radio. This feature was originally included, but taken out in the last release because some customers inadvertently checked this box and wondered why their radio didn’t TX.
-Allows dealers to create radio configuration files (*.dat) without connecting to a radio
- The “Upgrade Modem Firmware” process can update a new bootloader program simultaneously. The “Upgrade FW” selection handles this process of updating both new FW and new Bootloader program.
- Fixed a defect that had prevented dealers from importing channel tables.
- When creating channel tables, dealers must input the serial numbers of radios that can be programmed by the User version of ADLCONF with those channel tables. This allows customers to import channel tables created for their radios.
- Allow users to enter frequencies to 6.25 kHz resolution.
Previous versions only allowed frequencies that were multiples of 12.5 kHz. The frequency table display has been updated to show 5 decimal places instead of 4
decimal places with previous versions.
- Prompt user to save *.dat file before resetting factory defaults This will allow the user to recover their original configuration, if they do not like the factory defaults.
- The TRIMTALK protocol Scramble Control checkbox is now grayed out. Previous versions allowed the user to uncheck this box, despite the fact that Scramble Control is always on when using TRIMTALK protocol.